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Guiding principles



The NDRP principles guide the NDRP’s work and decisions. These principles draw on the human rights framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


The NDRP is committed to research that recognises the life experience and contexts in which people are born, grow, live, work, age and die. We recognise and acknowledge that people with disability come from many different backgrounds and communities and have different experiences and perspectives.


We know that some people with disability face barriers in communicating their goals and aspirations and making decisions. In these circumstances the NDRP acknowledges the role that family, caregivers, allies or supporters may play in supporting decision making and expressing preferences and will.


We also know that many people with disability identify with multiple groups and may experience multiple disadvantage because of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, age and location.  

The NDRP seeks to:


Advance high quality research that informs disability policy and practice in Australia

  • Promote collaborative research across Australia 

  • Implement the NDRP Research Agenda

  • Build an evidence base that informs Australian disability policy and practice


Value the knowledge of people with disability in research

  • Respect different sources and forms of knowledge and research

  • Support research that gives people with disability real decision-making power 

  • Support research that involves a wide range of people with disability, including those who are often left out or are not well represented in research

  • Make sure people with disability are paid properly for their research work


Strengthen disability research capacity 

  • Build an active and connected community of disability researchers 

  • Build career pathways for researchers with disability

  • Strengthen Australia’s capacity to conduct disability research

  • Build capacity in the community to develop and use evidence produced by research


Share research findings widely in useful and accessible ways

  • Make information available in useful and accessible ways

  • Share what we learn with the disability and wider community 

  • Use a range of new and traditional ways to share research findings 

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