The National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) has announced two rounds of grant funding for 2025, focused on research about the safety of people with disability.
The first round of funding, opening in February, will support small projects aiming to set up and co-design research, or to understand existing knowledge on the topic.
Eligible projects should have a timeline of six months or less, and must show a genuine commitment to inclusive research.
“Our first funding round is an exciting milestone in our work to build partnerships and foster real change in disability research in Australia,” said Clare Gibellini, Chair of the NDRP Board.
“Safety is a critical issue for people with disability. Many people with disability are not safe in their homes, communities, online and in workplaces. The NDRP is keen to fund research that can change this,” she said.
The NDRP’s funding priorities are led by our Research Agenda, which was developed in consultation with the disability community and identifies 12 priority research areas.
Of these 12 priorities, the Board chose safety of people with disability as the focus for 2025 funding, based on criteria including gaps in evidence, broad impact, and policy significance.
The grant guidelines are being developed with the newly established Research Committee, who were appointed in November 2024.
Opening in February 2025, applications for the first round of funding will be straightforward, and we will support people and groups who want to work together and apply for funding.
The second round of grants, which will open later in 2025, will fund larger discovery and research projects.